TypeOnline Course
DateDec 16, 2019
Price$ 499$ 299
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Radiology- Basic Introduction

Licensed dentists play an important role in maintaining radiation exposures of patients and staff as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). Greater numbers of intra-oral radiographs are being requested and a wide range of other dental radiographic examinations (panoramic, cephalometric) are being performed on a routine basis with the addition of advanced imaging modalities (CBCT). Individuals who operate dental X-ray equipment must have a basic knowledge of the inherent health risks associated with radiation and must have demonstrated familiarity with basic rules of radiation safety. Course attendee will learn the following:

  • Responsibilities of Licensed Dentist and X-ray Machine Registrant.
  • Radiation Protection – General Requirements.
  • Types of Radiation and associated risks.
  • Minimization of patients and staff exposures.
  • Safe operating procedures and maximum permissible dose equivalents.

Dental radiographic examinations are not without risk. X- radiation has the potential to damage tissue through either the indirect effect or direct effect of radiation. The biologic effects of radiation are cumulative and every effort must be taken to keep radiation exposures as low as reasonably achievable. A variety of radiation safety and protection measures can be employed to reduce exposure to dental patients and minimize occupational exposure.

This course is a review for dental auxiliaries to acquaint them with the necessary background material and fundamental principles needed for basic certification in radiology safety. This course is specifically designed to make a complex subject much easier to comprehend. Safety factors for protecting the operator and patient will be stressed.

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Exam and Certificate

A multiple choice exam will be given at the completion of this course. Successful completion of this course require a passing grade of seventy (70) or above. You will have 3 opportunities to take this exam before having to re-register this course. Upon successful completion you will receive a customized Certificate of Successful Completion with your name, the course, and date.